Both sides in the Mayor Perkins disqualification case made their arguments Tuesday afternoon before the Louisiana Supreme Court.  Each side had 30 minutes to present their case. During each presentation the justices peppered each attorney with questions and comments. Perkins' lawyer, Scott Bickford presented his case first before the justices. The defense case seemed to rest particularly on the 'integrity of the system.' Bickford stated the "Louisiana Legislature made the election code a series of statutes requiring certain things, and does not take innocent and honest mistakes and throws people out."

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The plaintiff's attorney, Jerry Harper then presented his side, on behalf of his client Francis Deal. Referring to national, state and local elections, Harper opened his argument to the court stating "Never in the history of our country has the election process been the subject of so much doubt, and so much scrutiny... and the guardians of our election processes are called to protect the process."

Harper also pointed out to the court, referring to the filing paperwork,  "It is not a heavy burden... There are 10 questions you have to answer. This candidate got 6 of them wrong.  He is seeking office in the third largest city in the state... He reviewed the forms ahead of time."  Harper claims:

(1) Perkins filed his domicile as 9405 Stratmore

(2) Perkins claimed he had read the notice, then testified later that he had not

(3) Perkins claimed he met all qualifications, he did not

(4) Claimed Homestead Exemption at a different address

(5) Voted out of the area where he claimed Homestead Exemption

(6) Entire form attestatation

There was about 10 minutes of discussion and questions after each presentation, whereupon the justices adjourned the proceedings.  The 7 justices will review the case and a decision is expected by the end of the week.

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