Louisiana Moves To Phase 3 Of COVID Reopening March 3rd

After months in a "modified" Phase 2 of Governor John Bel Edwards COVID-19 Economic Reopening plan, the state will now be moving to Phase 3. Likely for the last time.
Louisiana was placed into a "modified" Phase 2 in late November of 2020, and has remained in that designation since. Prior to that, the state was in a Phase 3 designation from early September to late November. However with the constantly increasing COVID vaccination rollout, this will likely be the final time the state will be in Phase 2, or Phase 3.
The new Phase 3 will go into effect tomorrow, March 3rd, as that is the date the latest "modified" Phase 2 order would expire.
Phase 3 for Louisiana reopens many sections of the economy, and expands occupancy capacity for others. Taking numbers for retailers up to 75% capacity, including restaurants, malls, and most other retail business. Arenas, gyms, and event centers will be able to expand to 50% capacity. Bars in all parishes will be able to open at 25% capacity, but alcohol sales still must end at 11pm.
Live music will now also be allowed indoors. However the Governor pointed to the State Fire Marshall's Office for full guidelines on those changes.
Fairs, conventions, conferences, festivals, and sporting events can now move to 50% capacity, but must be approved by the State Fire Marshall's Office.
The Governor said it will look very similar to the earlier Phase 3 the state was under. The state's mask mandate remains in effect.
Governor Edwards also announced that he has already signed the proclamation prior to the announcement. This Phase 3 proclamation will be for 28 days, ending on March 31st.
The state is able to reach Phase 3 thanks to the severely declining COVID numbers in the state. COVID cases, hospitalizations, deaths, and positivity rate have all been declining drastically since the first week in January. Which was roughly the same time that the first vaccine treatments were being completed in the state. More and more Louisiana residents are completing their vaccine treatments daily, and with new vaccines coming online, Louisiana is getting the largest vaccine shipments we've ever received.
The more people get vaccinated in the state, the fewer cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are possible. With three vaccines that prevent hospitalizations and death in 100% of cases, the only obstacle right now is getting as many people vaccinated as possible.
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