Even though South Park is mainly set in Colorado, Texas makes a lot of surprise appearances through out the show's history. From brief cameos, to music being used, to even being centered around an entire episode, here are many times where Texas was featured in the hit show, South Park.

Season 2 featured a Texas prison along the Mexican Border

In Episode 8, "Summer Sucks", both Ned & Jimbo try to smuggle fireworks from Mexico for the Fourth of July. They both get busted at the Border & get sent to...literally, the Texas prison. No city is mentioned, so it's entirely up to us to figure out, WHERE in Texas these two got busted. Thankfully if they wanted to get fireworks in Texas today, it IS legal.

The Waco Seige was referenced in Season 3

One of the most infamous moments in U.S. history during the 90s was the 1993 Waco Siege on the Branch Davidians compound. In Episode 8, "Two Guys Naked in a Hot Tub", ATF agents respond to the party, confusing it for a cult. Yeah... I think that's definitely enough to get the point across.

Season 8 saw the infamous Texas Chili Bowl

Episode 10, "Pre-School" mentioned of an extreme atomic wedgie called the "Texas Chili Bowl"; which according to the show, involves tabasco sauce, a phone and...the butt. I have NO IDEA if this is an actual thing or something that was made up for the show but I refuse to Google (and you shouldn't either) so let's just say that it IS real and you don't want it...

Season 11 mentioned that one Texas city had a huge homeless problem

Episode 7, "Night of the Living Homeless", the town of South Park is overrun by homeless people. Apparently the town of San Antonio said the town of Evergreen (Colorado) was a perfect place for the homeless, so they all left for South Park. Today, the city of San Antonio really does have a homeless problem; at least 3,372 people are considered homeless in 2024.

Maybe South Park had a point bringing up San Antonio...

Season 15 is mainly centered around the Texas Border Patrol agents

Episode 9, "The Last of the Meheecans", focuses on Butters, being sent back to Mexico, but becomes a leader of the people named "Mantequilla". He is able to bring Mexicans from the United States, BACK into Mexico. So the Texas Border Patrol agents well...try to stop them from leaving the United States and welcomes anyone who wants to come in. Except for Cartman that is...

South Park pokes fun at the Dallas Cowboys & Jerry Jones

Yes we know the creators of South Park love to throw in mentions to the Denver Broncos & various NFL teams; the Dallas Cowboys are no exception. In Season 18, Episode 1, "Go Fund Yourself", in making fun of Dan Snyder refusing the change of the name of the Washington...you know what, the Dallas Cowboys completely obliterated Dan on the field.

Oh and let's not forget about Jerry Jones' cameo.

And let's not forget the Texas musicians that were mentioned on the show

There have been a few but here are some notable ones;

  • Willie Nelson's "On the Road Again" was heard on the radio in the episode, "Kenny Dies"
  • Kelly Clarkson's "I Forgive You" was used in the special "Post Covid: The Return of Covid"
  • ZZ Top's "La Grange" was used in the episode, "Poor and Stupid"
  • And of course... we can't forget about Steamy Ray Vaughan, an obvious parody of Stevie Ray Vaughan.

Actually there's one more little Texas/South Park fact: one of the creators is actually FROM Texas; if you never knew that, there are several more celebrities you never knew were born in Texas.

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