Spot a Texas ‘Cheater’ By His Drink Order – Here’s How
The barroom saloon, it's a staple of life in Texas. From El Paso and Midland to Grand Prairie and Port Arthur every little town seems to have at least one watering hole where you can go for a cold beer, a good story, and if you know what to look for, more drama than the entire Bravo Network. Here's what you'll be looking for.
The social media site TikTok has created such an influx of interesting information in the short few years it has been on the scene. There are so many different and wonderful hacks and tips and outright funny moments that once you start scrolling sometimes it's really hard to stop.
Some of the more interesting insights I have learned from TikTok have been the ones that involve personal observations of those who work in the service industry. We can learn an awful lot about ourselves by listening to the words of those who work in food service, retail, or behind a bar. I guess that's where we let our guard down and our "real self" is allowed to shine through.
The bartender's name is Paige and she goes by @paigelydick0 on TikTok. She recently posted a video on the platform where she professes to be able to ascertain if a man is a cheater, in the romantic sense, based on the kind of beer he orders. It's kind of an amateur sociology experiment and based on the almost 6 million views on Tik Tok people are taking Paige's observations seriously.
In the video, Paige suggests that not all guys are bad guys and are born to cheat. In fact, she even suggests that those who prefer Coor's Light are some of the nicest fellows on the planet. She did besmirch Bud Light drinkers, a lot but she didn't say they were cheaters.
Paige's observations about men who drink Miller Lite are good too. She suggests that if your boyfriend orders that brand of beer he is husband material. However, there is one brand of beer that Paige says if your man orders this, "you should get up and leave".
No, it wasn't Keystone or even Keystone Light, Paige did have some major reservations about drinkers who order those and she did have some cautionary but mostly nice things to say about the man who loves Busch Light.
But the beer that Paige says is the choice of a man who "is full-on cheating… It isn’t innocent flirting. This beer drinker has another life, another marriage with kids or baby mama" is the guy who orders Michelob Ultra.
After Paige's initial viral explosion among beer drinkers or more likely the women who date beer drinkers, she felt the need to offer a part two. This video covers some of the beers she didn't cover in the first video.
This video covers her observations for Budweiser drinkers as well as those who enjoy Natty Light (Natural Light), Corona Extra, PBR, Modelo, and Corona Banquet. She speaks highly of the Bud men but you might want to see who is watching you order those $2 Natty Lights at the football game on Saturday. You might be telling on yourself.
And speaking of untold truths, you can always count on Hollywood to provide those.