Underage Drinkers in Louisiana Have More Rights Than You Think
Football season is about to hit Louisiana like a Dustin Poirier right hand to the jaw. It gets underway with High School Jamborees in Lafayette, Lake Charles, Shreveport, Baton Rouge, New Orleans, and just about every other community in the state. Most of those jamborees will take place either tonight or Friday. Then we start the college football season on Saturday and the professional football season will begin their games on September 5th.
Alcohol is a big part of the football season for many fans. We like to fuel our fandom with cold beer, mixed drinks, and even fruity blender drinks at our tailgate parties and game day celebrations. We're a lot more open about our alcohol consumption during college and pro games but I think we've all seen more than a few moms and dads wobble into a high school stadium on a Friday night too.
We say all of that, to say this, alcohol and the responsible use of alcohol is an accepted substance and behavior in our society. But because there are so many ramifications that come from using alcohol we have rules and regulations in place. But ultimately, the biggest policymaker on a personal level when it comes to drinking is Mom and Dad.
In Louisiana, you must be 21 to purchase alcohol. A lot of people think that's it. That's all you need to know about Louisiana's drinking laws. However, there are ways for those under the age of 18 to consume alcohol legally. As of now, 18-year-olds may enter bars and may work in bars in some capacity but they may not purchase alcohol even if they are employed.
For a person under the legal drinking age of 21 in Louisiana to consume alcohol legally it must be done at a private residence with a parent, guardian, or spouse present. The alcohol in question must be provided by a parent, guardian, or spouse as well.
So, if you're hosting a football party this weekend and you meet the above criteria you may serve underage guests alcohol. We can only hope that you will be a responsible host and arrange for proper transportation for those who choose to drink.
We should note for those who are underage and are considering breaking the law to either obtain or consume alcohol there are a lot of bad things that go along with making a poor choice in that decision. Many of the penalties for underage possession, use, and consumption involved suspending or denying your state-issued driver's license.
It all comes down to being responsible. If you're a parent you should be responsible for your child's actions. Part of your job as a parent is to teach them how to make choices in the "real world". That world contains alcohol and a lot of other things too. So teach them the difference between right and wrong and how to make good choices and teach them to respect the law and they'll be fine.
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Gallery Credit: Bruce Mikells