In the city of Fulshear, TX, just west of Houston, the police department don't need no man. They pull their sleeves up and get the job done, even when it means grabbing an alligator and treating it like it's a pillow you're about to put in the wash.

Handful a' Gator

One officer, Lt. Bill Henry decided to use his bear hands (literally, they're huge!) to wrangle himself a gator after it was making house calls after posted hours.

Fulshear Police Department
Fulshear Police Department


This little lizard was just asking the owners for a ride home when officer 'forearms' put HIM in a death roll.

Just take a look at the Fulshear Police Department's Facebook post:

That reptile never stood a chance, do you SEE the size of those mitts around it's neck?

Apparently, this was Lt. Henry's second catch of the day, as he helped wrangle another alligator hiding in a backyard that morning.

Don't Try This at Home... Seriously

In case you were jealous of Lt. Henry and you figured you could do the same... just don't even try.

According to Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, full-grown gators can run up to 35 miles per hour on land. To put this into perspective, World-renowned athlete Usain Bolt broke the record for fastest human, clocking in at 27.8 miles per hour.

So, unless you want to risk being chased by a juiced-up Usain Bolt, I'd advise against attempting to handle wild alligators.

If you see a wild alligator in Texas, don't be a hero. Let the Lt. Henrys of the world handle it after you call the local authorities.

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Shockingly, Texans can legally own these exotic animals--provided you've filled out the massive amounts of paperwork required.

Gallery Credit: Sarah Clark

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