Shreveport Made a Cameo in this National TV Ad from the 90s
Sometimes Shreveport feels spoiled when it comes to TV and movies. The city has been featured in big budget TV shows as a named location, as well as hosted the filming of multiple TV series. Same goes for movies.
Its always interesting to turn on a movie like Mr. Brooks to see A-list stars like Kevin Costner and Demi Moore walking in front of easily identifiable Shreveport locations. Its like Shreveport is a co-star in these movies.
So sometimes it feels like the city doesn't realize how good they have it when it comes to that kind of thing. For entire generations, they grew up knowing Shreveport as "Hollywood of the South"
Now go back to 1999, when the Shreveport Captains were making a run to the playoffs that year, with future MLB players Nate Bump, Doug Clark, Damon Minor, Chris Magruder, Scott Linebrink, Kevin Joseph, Cody Ransom, Ryan Vogelsong, Chad Zerbe and Yorvit Torrealba. As well as future World Series Champion Pedro Feliz and future 6-time MLB All Star Joe Nathan.
That's what earned a reference in this national ad. KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken of course) was running an ad for their three piece Colonel Strip combo meal, and included a reference to the Shreveport Captains. The commercial references a minor league baseball player getting traded around, and no matter where he goes, he can get KFC.
It's the 8th commercial in this video, you can watch the whole thing below, or you can jump right to the Shreveport commercial here.
It didn't seem too odd to have Shreveport in a relatively wholesome TV commercial back in 1999, it seemed to fit really well. But it just wasn't the most common thing. In fact, its not really that common today either.
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