It Is Almost Time to Send Your Kids Back to School.

One of my favorite things is seeing my friends share stories about their kids who are moving up in grades and I feel like I am a part of their lives too. Social media will forever be one of those love/hate situations. I love keeping up with my friend's vacations, life updates, and families, but I hate seeing all of the political drama. We have all been told to be careful what we post during political season. However, there is something else that we all need to be careful when it comes to sending our kids back to school.

What Seems Like a Simple Life Update May Be Putting You and Your Child in Serious Danger.

According to something as simple as you posting your child's name, age, or teacher can lead to data mining. Why should you be worried about data mining? Two big dangers come with data mining.

Your Information Can Be Sold and Put You In a Very Compromising Position.

Cyber thieves can gain access to your profile and use it to target you for phishing campaigns, identity fraud, or other crimes. All of a sudden your password to social media or your password to online banking becomes much easier to guess.

The Other Scary Part for Parents is That Information Posted About Their Child Can Make Them an Easy Target for Child Predators.

When a predator has all of this information they can reel in a child by connecting with them and getting them comfortable enough to meet in person. A cybersecurity contractor Stanton Greenawalt spoke to ABC 15, and shared how such a simple post on social media can be the most dangerous thing a parent does.

Before You Post a Picture of Your Kids on Their First Day of School Think Twice.

Make sure you block out any information that could put your child in danger. Never list where your child goes to school, or their teacher's name, even little insignificant things like their favorite color and animal can make them an easy target for a child predator.

See Louisiana's Top 5 Most Dangerous Things for Kids this Summer 2024

Watch out for some of these everyday items that could land your child in the emergency room!

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