SHREVEPORT, LA - A Shreveport woman accused of shaking a baby to death is headed to prison for life after she was found guilty.
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The trial of 42-year-old Tatianna Jenell Burns was scheduled in Caddo District Court this week. It was set to go before a jury, but Burns asked for a bench trial, meaning the judge would be the one to hear the case and determine the outcome.
Caddo District Judge Donald Hathaway Jr. heard the case and found Burns guilty as charged of second degree murder.

The Caddo District Attorney's Office Sent More Details About the Case:

After presentation of prosecution and defense cases, and deliberation by Judge Hathaway, the court found Burns, also known as Tatianna Washington, guilty as charged of second-degree murder in the death of a non-related child A.W., aged 18 months at the time of her death on June 5, 2020.
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getty images
Evidence at the trial showed that Burns was caring for the toddler. They were not related. Evidence also surfaced showing problems Burns allegedly had back in 2013. In that case, a child was removed from Burns care after an investigation showed the child had been tortured.
In the current court case, four doctors testified and agreed that swelling and brain bleeds were evident. They testified that A.W. died as a result of acute abusive head trauma.
Prosecutors presented a combination of medical and testimonial evidence to prove that the defendant was the only person who had access to the child at the time she was injured.
When Burns return to Judge Hathaway's court July 23, she faces a mandatory life sentence without possibility of probation, parole or suspension of sentence.

Caddo Parish Violent Offenders July 9th-12th

The following booking photos are those who were booked in to Caddo Correctional Center for crimes of a violent or sexual nature. All those pictured are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Gallery Credit: Caddo Correctional Center

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