What Shreveport Streets Need Major Improvements?
SHREVEPORT, LA - Shreveport leaders are busy putting together a bond proposal for infrastructure improvements all across the community. The Bond Study Committee heard from the folks at Public Works about street and drainage projects.
What's on the Public Works Wish List?
Medical Corridor Improvements $10-15 million est.
Work to be done on Kings Highway from Samford (I-49) to Hearne Avenue. City has received a $22 million Federal grant ($5.5 million local match) to transform the Kings Highway corridor from Shriner’s Hospital to Willis-Knighton Hospital. Unfortunately, the cost estimates on this grant reflect pre-COVID prices. To do what was planned for this corridor likely takes an additional $10 million at a minimum. In addition, complementary work needs to be done to beautify and improve Greenwood Road from I-20 to the Fair Grounds, to allow multiple entrances to the Fair Grounds.
Fair Grounds Entrance Improvements $2-4 million est.
Recreates the entrances to the State Fair Grounds from Kings Highway and I-20 westbound. Requires reconfiguration of the intersections with Velva and the southern ring road and the Corol Street entrance into one efficient roadway. Possible State funding for a portion of this cost.
Monkhouse Drive Improvements and Beautification $1-3 million est.
Bridge Improvements/Replacements $7-10 million est.
Replaces the Gilbert at Fern bridge over Bayou Pierre ($1.7 million)
Rehabs the South Lakeshore Drive bridge over Bickham Bayou ($1.8 million)
Rehabs the Stoner Avenue bridge over Line Avenue ($1.6 million)
Replaces the Quail Ridge Boulevard bridge over Gilmer Bayou ($1 million)
Repairs East Gregg Street bridge over Bayou Pierre tributary ($100,000)
Linwood Avenue Bridge Rehab $3.3 million est.
Collector and Arterial Street Reconstruction $8 million est.
Provides replacement of deteriorated concrete panels on the following major City streets (see attached list). State/Federal funds are available to cover 80% of the cost. The remained needs to come from bond funds.
Linwood Avenue Reconstruction (70th to 84th Streets) $7.5 million est.
Provides reconstruction of deteriorated concrete panels. Other portions of this roadway (84th to Bert Kouns) are funded already.
Interstate Highway LED Lighting $3-5 million est.
The roadway lighting along the urban portion of our interstate highways needs to be replaced with LED lighting to reduce energy costs and provide for better lighting. The project would start with the oldest lights (I-20), which are prone to repeated failures.
Downtown Street Lights unknown cost
The decorative lamps installed almost 30 years ago are almost impossible to repair and are prone to failure. District B Traffic Signal Installation $1.2 million est. This would provide funds to install up to four new signals at intersections that are shown to warrant new signals. There is no other source of funds for this work.
Modernization of Traffic Signals - Line Ave $7.2 million est.
Replace/Modernize the existing traffic signals along Line Ave From I-20 to Norris Ferry Rd. Some of the existing signals date to the 1960s. Modernization will allow remote programming of the signals, better traffic flow and improved safety. This proposal includes running fiber along the corridor for synchronization of the signals.
Southern Loop at Norris-Ferry Intersection Improvements $2.5 million est.
This would provide adequate turn lanes and provide a drainage system for this rapidly developing area.
Fant Parkway Shoulder Replacement $3-4 million est.
The existing shoulder pavement is approximately 40 (?) years old and is in danger of disappearing entirely. This is a safety concern and can lead to pavement deterioration.
Shreve Park Access Improvements $5-10 million est.
Provides a second usable access to the Shreve Park industrial area. Would replace the convoluted entrance at Inner Loop and Buncombe Road.
Neighborhood and Collector Street Rehab unknown cost
This is the place where the kind of neighborhood street projects that may appear from Council or citizen input would be grouped, although they would be identified specifically as being included.
Here's a List of the Streets that will be improved:
Drainage Projects Under Consideration:
Red River Erosion at Fant Parkway $2 million est.
Would help stabilize a section of the Red River bank which has eroded sufficiently as to affect the walking trail already (soon to be relocated away from the bank) and threatens to do harm to the integrity of the Parkway itself. The full-blown fix would cost millions and should be done by the Red River Waterway Commission or the Corps of Engineers, but neither has expressed an interest in doing so. Our interim solution is to place rock and concrete to try to stabilize the erosion and keep it away from the roadway.
Purchase of Flood-Prone Properties $1-2 million est.
There are a number of low-lying properties, primarily in the MLK and Ford Park areas, which are vulnerable to flooding from Red River or Cross Lake backwaters. These funds would allow owners to wish to relocate to do so.
Brush Bayou Improvements $2 million est.
Addresses paved ditch deficiencies identified by the Corps of Engineers in a recent inspection. Districts E and F Paved Ditch Repairs $2 million est. This is the only source of funding the City would have if a paved ditch had a significant panel failure. Neighborhood Drainage Projects $ unknown This is the place where the kind of neighborhood drainage projects that may appear from Council or citizen input would be grouped, although they would be identified specifically as being included.
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