Should This LSU Law Professor Lose His Job?
Louisiana Governor Jeff Landry recently posted a video of LSU law professor Nicholas Bryner seemingly admonishing students during what should have been intructional lecture time for law students.
Governor Landry clearly was not happy with Professor Bryner. Landry posted:
This professor has defied the 76 million Americans who voted for President Donald J. Trump - to silence and belittle those in his class who voted for our next president. This is not the kind of behavior we want at LSU and our universities.
And most people commenting on the Facebook post generally agreed with the governor.
He should be fired, personal political views are that, personal. If black students don't feel safe in your class maybe it's time LSU changes up on the way they bring bias into the classroom.
That's the kind of shaming and indoctrination that takes place in our universities. These types of "educators" need to be disciplined if not fired!
That is not his job and none of his business. Should be fired!!!
Kids used to go to college and learn how to be free thinkers and to think outside the box and to be leaders. Now kids are programmed what to think and are bullied by professors and other kids into thinking one way.
I agree with you Governor!
But there are others who supported the professor's views
Actually, yes, this is exactly the kind of educator I would like to see.
Stay in your lane, Jeff!
Professor Bryner is hands down one of the BEST professors I’ve ever had! He welcomed, encouraged, and analyzed ALL political perspectives in every law class I had with him! He taught moderately and NEVER made anyone feel any type of way for their beliefs! A true legal scholar with a heart for his students!!!
You can see the professor's comments in the video below, and check out Governor Landry's post on Facebook