A North Texas homeowner was terrified by footage caught on her Ring camera of someone wearing a devil mask and holding a piece of cardboard with a bible verse from Revelations outside of her front door.

The footage is like a scene straight out of the 2013 horror film The Purge.

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Take a look at the video below shared to YouTube by CBS Texas:

You can find the Bible verses referred to by the cardboard sign below by clicking here, but if you're lazy like me, and don't feel like reading through them, they describe the "final judgment" in which people are judged according to their deeds. Those who have not been found written in the "Book of Life" will be cast into the lake of fire.

Menacing, huh?

Not something I'd like to see on my Ring camera. That's for sure.

But, hey, play stupid games in Texas, and win stupid prizes.

Texans have guns, and they don't f*** around with stuff like this. The person who tried to scare this homeowner is just lucky they didn't reap what they sowed. That's all I can say about that.

Keep to yourselves, friends. There's no need for this kind of tomfoolery. Keep your magical thinking in your own heads and your own homes!

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