Here’s How to Pick The Perfect Watermelon in Arkansas
One of the best treats in the summer in Arkansas is fresh watermelon. Do you know how to pick out the best, sweetest, juiciest watermelon? I found some great easy tips that will help you pick the perfect watermelon every time.
These tips will help you whether you are at a watermelon stand on the side of the road, a farmers market or a grocery store.
Big Buttery Yellow Spot
Be sure to look for a yellow area on the watermelon. This is the area that the watermelon was lying on when it was growing on the ground. If the watermelon is ripe, you will see the color of this yellow. If that spot is white or green it's not ripe so keep looking.
Is The Belly Button Green or Brown?
Look at the belly button of the watermelon. Is it green or brown? If it's green it was picked too early so keep looking. When you find one with a brown belly button Bingo! Now make sure it passes the rest of the steps.
No Dents or Cuts
Stay away from watermelons that have dents, cuts, bruising and soft spots.
Is it Heavy?
Is it heavy for its size? That can mean it's full of water... which is good!
Knock on it to Hear if it Sounds Hollow
Knock on it to hear if it sounds hollow. The hollow sound is from it having a lot of water in it. The more water the juicer it will be.
Last but not least...
Buy In Season
Buy them when they are in season in the summer months. And buy local if you can! We have great watermelons in our area. Think Hope Watermelon Festival

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