Your Chance to Hear All Shreveport Mayoral Candidates
With the Shreveport Mayoral election fast approaching, all the candidates are working to get their message out to the voters. And KEEL News is helping you get to know each candidate over the next few weeks. We've invited each candidate to come into the KEEL News studio for one hour to answer questions and share their visions for the future of Shreveport.

Each mayoral candidate will get one hour in studio with Mike & McCarty between Monday, October 17th, and November 4th. Invitations have gone out to all 10 candidates, and most have responded. There will be no set questions, the candidates will not get any questions in advance, and different candidates will get different questions.
How to Submit Your Questions to the Candidates
If you'd like to ask the candidates questions, you can submit your questions through the Shreveport Security Systems Message Board accessible through the KEEL App. The app is available as a free download through the Apple App Store or Google Play.
Here is the tentative schedule for each candidate coming up on 710KEEL
Monday, October 17th
7A-8A- Tracy Mendels
Wednesday, October 19th
8A-9A- Lauren Anderson
Thursday, October 20th
8A-9A- Darryl Ware
Friday, October 21
8A-9A- Adrian Perkins
Monday, October 24th
7A-8A- Tom Arceneaux
Wednesday, October 26th
8A-9A- Gregory Tarver
Thursday, October 27th
8A-9A- Julius Romano
Friday, October 28th
7A-8A- LeVette Fuller
Monday, October 31st
7A-8A- Mario Chavez
Invitations were extended to all 10 candidates. As of this writing, KEEL News has heard from all candidates with the exception of Melvin Slack.
Take a Peak Inside Shreveport Mayoral Forum
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