Haughton Student’s Senior Project Asks You to Help Clean Up Lake Bistineau
Abby Turner is a senior at Haughton High School and she recently took a look at Lake Bistineau and didn't like what she saw, so she's decided to do something about it. In fact, she's made it her mission with her high school senior project to clean up Lake Bistineau.
On Saturday, November 4, from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm, she's inviting all those who are just as concerned about the health and welfare of Lake Bistineau, and those who just don't like seeing it all trashy, to join her at any of three separate Lake Bistineau boat launches for the clean up effort.
She'll have volunteers staged to help out at Port O'Bistineau, Grice's Landing and at Parish Camp Boat Launch and the first 20 people to show up at each boat launch will receive a free Lake Bistineau Trash Clean-Up t-shirt.
If you'd like to volunteer, you can collect trash by boat, ATV or just by walking the banks. And for those who will be launching their boats for this effort, marina owners will graciously be waiving those launch fees for the effort.
And there will rewards for the most trash bags collected at each launch.
To get more information, just go to the Lake Bistineau Trash Clean-Up Facebook page!