A law enforcement official (who wishes to remain anonymous) shared some valuable information he received from the Governor's Office earlier today. The information seeks to dispel rumors about how coronavirus is being handled in Louisiana, particularly about whether the Governor is going to require the state to shelter in place.

  • There is no current plan to require citizens of the state to shelter in place.
  • The National Guard is being deployed to help with sites that have been set up to house persons who are awaiting test results and do not have a place to stay, to help stand up drive-thru testing sites, and to help evaluate structures that may serve as temporary hospitals to support the medical surge we anticipate.
  • The National Guard has NOT been deployed to invoke martial law.
  • Local governments have the ability shelter in place without approval or direction of the governor.
  • Shelter in place, as implemented by other municipalities and states, is not a complete lockdown that requires people to not leave their homes. People are still allowed to go to work, to go to the grocery store, to go to the pharmacy, to go to the doctor, etc.

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