Fair Grounds Concert to Benefit Teen in Need of Liver
In 2011, 13 year old Dustyn Ates was air lifted to St. Jude in Memphis with high-risk Leukemia and now Dustyn is in need of a liver. You can enjoy some great live music at the Fair Grounds on June 26 and 27 to help Dustyn.
Among the highlights of the event is a singing contest. You can enter for just a $10 donation. There will be a Brantley Gilbert signature guitar to be auctioned off. Shreveport Music has donated a Fender Telecaster to be raffled off that has been signed by Black Water Bride.
Among those performing over two days:
The All-Jump Veteran Parachute Team will perform at the Fair Grounds.
There will be a water slide, a blood drive, and food and beverages.