Dove Season Set to Begin Saturday, September 7 in NWLA
At this writing, we're only 11 days away from one of the biggest days in the year of a hunter. Dove Season begins on Saturday, September 7. And from that point, it's on like Donkey Kong! Because with the annual migration of doves to our neck of the woods, it means that it's HUNTING SEASON!
Hunt at Daylight Again This Year
Just like in the last few years, hunters will be allowed to take to the field and begin the hunt at 30 minutes before official sunrise local time. In Bossier Parish, sunrise will be at 6:54 am, so hunters will be allowed to begin shooting at 6:24 am. Go to sunrisesunset.com to find the exact time for your hunting destination. However, if you're planning to hunt on a WMA or LDWF leased field, that season will begin at 12:00 pm.
The Perks of Dove Hunting Season
Of course, staying with tradition, every red-blooded, camo-wearing, snuff-dipping, pickup truck-driving, shotgun-toting, Southern-by-the-grace-of-God, hairy-legged boy will drag out the barbecue pit or gumbo pot for the annual "Gathering of the Guys" and "Lunch in the Field." This tradition brings out some of the best BBQ'ers, fish fryers and dutch oven chefs ever known to whip up a batch of jambalaya, gumbo or red beans and rice! Let the games begin.
Keep It Legal
When it comes to dove season though, you have to be extremely legal. Game wardens love dove season. I'm living proof of the joy they can derive from playing G.I. Joe in a dove field for an entire afternoon in 90 degree weather. They love idiots and that's where God blessed me, but that's a different story. Remember this simple rule: Ask and Inspect!
Ask any of the parties hunting and the land owner if any bait has been placed in the field. If somebody fesses up, get the heck out of there. Don't even load your gun. If no one owns up to the action, then inspect the field. And if you find any sign of bait, repeat the previously described actions.
Game wardens don't have a sense of humor -- ever! And it's up to us to play by their rules. Or get out your check book and prepare to spend a day with the Federal Magistrate. Trust me, that's about as much fun as hemorrhoid surgery.
Most of all, enjoy the day and take a kid with you. That's the only way to keep the tradition alive.
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