Computer Infections Drop 17% When People Give Up Porn for Lent
People give up a lot of different things for Lent. To observe and respect the time from Ash Wednesday to just before Easter is a time honored way to celebrate your faith. The traditional way to honor this holiday is to abstain from a particular type of food, drink, or activity for the duration of the observance. In recent years, abstaining from viewing internet porn has become a more and more popular way to celebrate Lent - and it has been having some unexpected results. It seems that staying away from the electronic nakedness has not only helped to cleanse a few souls, but has also cleansed a few computers.
WGNO reports that computer infections from viruses and malware have dropped 17% percent this year during Lent. When you dig deeper into the data, it's easy to see a huge increase in the number when you look into cities with larger Catholic populations. For instance, computer infections in very catholic city of Boston dropped by an astounding 36% during lent and they aren't alone. New York’s infections dropped 31%, while Chicago’s infections were down 23% - beating the national average by quite a margin.
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