Coca Cola Holiday Truck Coming to Bossier City This Weekend
It's official now Christmas time is here! I'm not one who's good at waiting for something I'm excited for and Christmas is by far my favorite time of year so November 1st Tis' the season! Now this weekend Bossier City is bringing the Christmas joy with Coca Cola and their famous Holiday Truck.
The famous Holiday Truck will be at the Louisiana Boardwalk from 2-6pm this Saturday. The truck will be located on the Boardwalk in front of Copeland's Cheesecake Bistro and available for pictures. Then as soon as the sun sets you'll be able to feel the holiday joy when they light up all the lights for the after dark experience... And it's Coke so of course they'll be giving away free product while supplies last.
For more details about the Coca-Cola Holiday Truck coming to Bossier City just Click HERE!