Clue #10 Released in Kiss Country’s Secret Sound Contest For $1,000
Is today the day that someone puts all the pieces together and correctly identifies Kiss Country's Secret Sound worth $1,000?
With the release of this latest clue, we're pretty confident that someone will cash in today! Course, we're still surprised it's made it this far, but it's been so much fun to play, we're not complaining at all.
In case you're just finding out about all this hoopla, here's what's going on. Over a month ago, Kiss Country 93.7 teamed up with Sun Tan City for the Secret Sound Contest and currently there's a $1,000 bounty up for grabs to the person who can correctly identify the latest sound.
Clay Dowdy of Shreveport won $700 already in the contest and James Hall of Vivian scored $800 for identifying another of our Secret Sounds.
Kiss Country plays the Secret Sound each weekday in the even numbered hours from 6:00 am all the way through the 4:00 pm hour. And those times are approximately 6:15 am, 8:15 am, 10:30 am, 12:30 pm, 2:30 pm and 4:30 pm.
When you hear us play the Secret Sound on air, be the 9th caller at 318-320-KISS (5477) and tell us what you think the Secret Sound might be. Get it correct and you'll win $1,000.
We even give you a new clue to the Secret Sound's identity each day until we get a winner!
And here's today's clue:
Thursday, June 1 - Clue #10 - They also make a pen, but this makes fire
If you missed the previous clues, we've listed them below.
Wednesday, May 31 - Clue #9 - Could cause cancer
Tuesday, May 30 - Clue #8 - Tap Tap Tap
Friday, May 26 - Clue #7 - One will fit in the other
Thursday, May 25 - Clue #6 - Bigfoot maybe
Wednesday, May 24 - Clue #5 - Hot and cold
Tuesday, May 23 - Clue #4 - Completely empty
Monday, May 22 - Clue #3 – Who would do that?
Friday, May 19 - Clue #2 – A little pricey
Thursday, May 18 - Clue #1 – Certainly not wood