Buckle Up, State Troopers Are Working Overtime
Remember how crazy I-49 was last week with all of the State Troopers pulling people over? Then we found out that I-20 had a “sting operation” for speedy drivers. Well it doesn’t look like it’s stopping anytime soon. Caddo Sheriff Steve Prator said “The Caddo Parish Sheriff’s Office will participate in a seat belt enforcement campaign aimed at drivers and passengers in pickup trucks who are not properly buckled”. “Buckle Up in Your Truck” will run from Friday April 20, 2018 to Thursday April 26, 2018.
If you’re wondering why these campaigns are happening like crazy lately “Grants from the Louisiana Highway Safety Commission will allow Caddo deputies and other law enforcement officers across the state to work extra hours enforcing Louisiana’s seat belt law while focusing on pickups.” said Sheriff Prator. Surveys from several states have shown that drivers and passengers of trucks don’t wear their seat belts as often as drivers of cars do. Unfortunately trucks are twice as likely to be involved in a rollover accident.