Bristol’s Favorite Rice Recipes You Have to Try This Fall
Fall is my favorite time of the year. Things cool off, and we all turn our attention back to school and football and family. And when I think of family in the fall, we're usually all gathered together in the kitchen or around the tailgate.
Why? Because food and cooking well is a part of our very culture here in Louisiana, and it all starts with rice!
Rice is a southern staple. We pair it with gumbo, etouffee, jambalaya, red beans, etc... Rice is healthy, inexpensive, and goes with just about everything. Here are some of my favorite fall dishes with rice, complete with easy-to-follow recipes; for you busy families, I even included an Instant Pot recipe and a one pot recipe:
2) Instant Pot Chipotle Chicken Rice Bowls
4) Cajun Sausage and Pepper Rice
Ooh! And here's a recipe I can't wait to try:
When you're stocking up on rice, be sure to look for the "Grown in the USA" label. It means you're buying the best and cleanest rice (no GMOs) and supporting our nation's farmers, according to usarice.com. In fact, most of the rice grown in our country is grown in Arkansas, California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas.