Antenna Staff

Soccer-Loving Deer Runs Across Field, Shoots and Scores
Add this to your collection of wildlife-infused sports highlights.

Here’s What a Champagne-Soaked Baseball Playoff Celebration Really Looks Like
A unique look from inside the locker room at what it's like to have dozens of champagne bottles spraying everywhere.

LeBron James’ Ridiculously Giant TV May Actually Be a Movie Screen
LeBron James has MVP awards, NBA titles and endorsement deals up the wazoo, but they all pale in comparison to this technological masterpiece.

Cubs Fans Raise Money to Send Steve Bartman to Playoff Game
Hey, Steve Bartman -- Chicago is ready to kiss and make up.

Oakland A’s Hire MLB’s First Female Coach in History-Making Move
It hasn’t been a banner season for the Oakland A’s, but 2015 may still go down as one of the more memorable years in team history.

High School Hockey Players Maul Ref Who Hit Teammate
Looks like high schoolers north of the border have as much trouble with referees as ones in the States do.

High School Kicker Nails Referee in Face During PAT
Being a high school football referee in Texas is a pretty hazardous job.

Yogi Berra, Hall of Fame Catcher and Memorable-Phrase Coiner, Dies at 90
Yogi Berra, a 10-time World Series champion and the man who first said "It ain't over till it's over," has died at age 90, due to natural causes.

Watch Girl Punter Throw Impressive (And Maybe Record-Setting) 50-Yard Touchdown
Well, here’s something you don’t see every day.

Fired-Up, Toothless Cowboys Fan Rambles Way Past Psyched
The Dallas Cowboys are off to a 1-0 start (thanks to the Giants) and this fan believes the best is yet to come.

High School Football Player Tears Opponent’s Helmet Off, Smacks Him With It
High school football is getting a very bad reputation.

42-Shot Ping-Pong Volley Is a Feat of Human Endurance
Perhaps you were too caught up in the NFL returning this past weekend to devote much energy to ping-pong, so let us show you what you missed.