We just received an update from Dr. Michael Mack, cardiac surgeon and medical director of cardiovascular disease at Baylor Health Care System in Dallas.  The video is below, but in it Dr. Mack talks of Travis' current health. 

He states, "For the first 48 hours after transfer he required mechanical devices to support his circulation and his heart.   His heart did respond positively to that and after a 48-hour period of time we were able to wean him from that support.   During this period of time of resuscitation, he suffered a stroke. As a result of that stroke, pressure built up in his brain that required an emergency neurosurgical operation to relieve that pressure."

"That operation was successful and Mr. Travis has awakened since that operation.   As we’re able to put the pieces of the puzzle together, he did suffer an acute viral illness over the past three weeks, but that seems to have tipped over a more chronic condition.

He has what’s called idiopathic cardiomyopathy, which means he has scarring of his heart muscle that is causing his heart to be weak and not able to support his circulation without help of either medical devices of medication.   We performed a biopsy of his heart muscle and it shows scar tissue. It does not show active infection. From the appearance on echocardiograms, which are images of his heart, this is not the appearance of either drugs or alcohol causing the heart condition.   Mr. Travis does have a family history of cardiomyopathy and it is more likely related to that.   At the current time, Mr. Travis’ condition is stabilized.

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