We have a way for you to see Tracy Byrd perform his greatest hits at Diamond Jacks! Does anyone really know how to do the "Watermelon Crawl"? We are on a mission to find out how you do the Watermelon Crawl, we understand this is all up to your interpretation. Here is what you need to do. Upload a video of you doing the Watermelon Crawl on your free Kiss Country 93.7 App. We will go through and watch your interpretation of the Watermelon Crawl. We have seen line dances, we have seen people try and imitate the Watermelon Queen, but we have yet to see the best. Hopefully, you are picked as a winner and you can dance along to Tracy Byrd singing "Watermelon Crawl" at Diamond Jacks Casino on February 17th. Keep in mind you must be 21 or older to attend the show. Best of luck dominating the "Watermelon Crawl!"

You must be at least 21 to enter
You have until 8:00 AM to February 14, 2019, to enter
Entries are submitted by video through the Kiss Country 93.7 app (free in the Apple Store and on Google Play)
Submissions must include the contestant's name, age, phone number, and email address and video of them doing the Watermelon Crawl.
Entries may be used on the Kiss Country website and or social media pages.

For the complete rules click here!


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